Domain Relational Calculus

Antosh Dyade November 10, 2022

  • Domain Relational Calculus uses domain variables that take on values from an attributes domain, rather than for an entire tuple. ​
  • Formal Definition​
    • An expression in the domain relational calculus is of the form :​
    • {<x1, x2, …..., xn> | P(x1, x2, …..., xn)}​
      • Where ​
      • x1, x2, …..., xn represent domain variables.​
      • P formula composed of atoms. ​
  • An atom in the domain relational calculus has one of the following forms:​
    • <x1, x2, …..., xn> ϵ r, where r is a relation on n attributes and x1, x2, …..., xn are domain variables or domain constants.​
    • X Θ y, where x and y are domain variables and Θ is a comparison operator (<, ≤, >, ≥, = , ≠) Attributes x and y have domains that can be compared by  Θ ​
    • x Θ c, where x is a domain variable, Θ  is a comparison operator, and c is a constant in the domain of the attribute for which x and a domain variables. ​
Examples based on following relation.

Example1: Find the loan number, branch name and amount for loans of over 100000
Answer: =>      { < l, b, a > | < l, b, a > ϵ loan ᴧ a > 100000 }​

Example2: Find the name of all customer who have a loan from the Mumbai branch
Answer: =>  { < c, a > ∃ l ((<c, l > ϵ borrower ᴧ ∃ b(<l, b, a >  ϵ loan ᴧ b = "Mumbai") }​


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